Stewart Family Mission Update

Prayer and Support Needs

Hello Friends and Family!!

Sonja, Jo, Asher and I are in our 5th month serving here in France. God has brought fresh vision, clear direction, and personal growth to our family in the last couple months, amid trials, tribulations, and fierce spiritual battles. God is continuing to teach us to trust Him, and to depend on Him alone. We are thankful that we have you all walking through this adventure with us!

Please pray for:

  • Opportunities to build relationships in our village
  • The Dente Family as they pastor Calvary Chapel Paris
  • Stevie and Chelsea Ekkelkamp as directors of Calvary Chapel Bible College Paris
  • Julia Haven who is interning at CCBC Paris
  • The bible college students

Family Life


Josephine and Asher are both doing well, and are getting into the swing of school. Josephine had a couple weeks of French lessons before the teacher went out on maternity leave, and we are waiting to see if there will be a replacement for her. School has been particularly difficult for Josephine. It's been hard to see her under so much stress as she is trying to adapt and integrate. Imagine going to school and not understanding more than a couple words spoken to you! She is, however making many new friends, and went to a birthday party for a friend from school today. She is really pressing into the hard things, and we are all really proud of her, but would appreciate prayer for her.

Asher is having a different experience entirely. He is adapting quickly, and has also made many friends. He is picking up the language, and many of the kids in the village are learning English so that they can communicate with him. Asher's teacher, the new directress of the school, is thrilled to have an American student to aid her in teaching English, and she is hoping to possibly take some of the kids to our village's sister city in England down the road. 

We were told that the grass field in front of Asher's school is the "cœur du village", that is, the "heart of the village".  Kids play after school as parents stand and talk together. When picking up Asher daily from school, we have met about a dozen parents that we are really getting to know well! 

Sonja and I are doing well, and have been adapting as much as possible. We started our language lessons last Friday and we are really hoping that we will be able to communicate more. It's paralyzing to not be able to interact with any depth. We are meeting people that we can't really get to know, and all because of the language barrier. We took a leap of faith signing up for French lessons, and trust that the Lord will provide the money needed for us to continue to attend. God is deepening our relationship as a couple, and with Him. 

Calvary Chapel Bible College Paris

The bible college is off to an amazing start! Things began for the seven students with a five day tour of France for their Church History class, where they were able to see the locations of many of the decisive moments of church history. Now, we are rounding up on midterms, and things are in full-swing. 

I have been teaching an Effective Evangelism class which is going really well. It's been challenging and rewarding, and I have really enjoyed getting to know the students, and I hope to see them continue to grow in love and knowledge as they walk with the Lord at CCBC Paris!


Calvary Chapel Paris

On Sept. 10th, deacons and elders were added to the leadership at Calvary Chapel Paris. Here (left to right) is the leadership team - Jeff, Stevie, Mounir, Anton, Pastor Mike, Max, and Jade.

We have so much to look forward to at Calvary Paris - October saw the genesis of a men's group, a ladies ministry, and the beginning of a youth group for jr high and high school. The children's ministry moved from the tight quarters in the church to a separate meeting place around the corner from the church. The kids are enjoying the extra room, and we hope to see continued growth!

For the children's ministry, we are putting together a harvest party, well.... two actually, for the kids.
The first will be on Sunday Oct 29th in Paris and will have games, candy, and food to connect with our neighborhood in Paris. 
The second will be in Dammartin-en-Serve, in the village where the Dente's live, and will be a great chance to bless the kids in their village on Tuesday Oct. 31st.

Prayer and Support


  • KIDS - Please pray for Josephine and Asher to be able to understand and speak French, this is top of their prayer request list!
  • CONFERENCES - Josephine has parent / teacher conferences this Friday (Oct 13) and we would love prayer for wisdom in how to help her do well in school.
  • LANGUAGE SCHOOL - Pray that the Lord would provide the resources necessary for us to continue to attend language school. We need $500/mo for Sonja and I both to attend.
  • PRACTICAL - If you are being led to get involved in what the Lord is doing here in France, or would like more information on how to support the work we are a part of here in a practical way you can contact us here.
  • CANDY We are in need of large amounts of candy for the harvest parties coming up! Contact us for more info here.
  • FAMILY - Please continue to pray for our family's protection and provision, and that the Lord would give wisdom and grace as we serve Him in France.

Praying that the Lord would continue to keep us united in mind and spirit as we walk with Him together! We love and miss you all!


Jeff, Sonja, Josephine, and Asher
If you would like to send us a note here in France, our address is:

6 Rue du Fournel
27950 Saint-Pierre-d'Autils


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Update Newsletter of the Stewart Family Mission

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